There are spirits in charge of territories; every community has a prevail-
ing spirit. These are demonic forces that create chaos in such places.
They manipulate the people and put them in bondage. These are wicked
spirits in high places. But our position in the heavenly realm is far above
where they operate from. The bible says; we are seated with Christ in the
heavenly places, far above principalities and power… this position
mustn’t be compromised, it is a privilege position which sets us in an
advantageous edge against our foe.
Many years ago, I was living in a particular place in Lagos, Nigeria and
engaged myself in intercession every mid-night between the hours of
12:30am to 2:00am. I would pray every night; binding evil spirits opera-
tional in that locality. I would intercede for people; as many as I could
remember. I was enjoying it! On this particular day after praying, I laid
down to sleep; then all of a sudden I heard an audible masculine voice
asking; “why did you choose to pray at this time of the night, are you the
only one?” I was shocked at first, but quickly realized it was the prince of
the air of that locality. This experience made me become more confi-
dent, knowing my prayers have been effective against the host of
darkness in that environment.
Daniel 10:13, but the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty
days: but lo Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there
with the kings of Persia
The scripture above establishes the fact that; there are wicked spirits that
work against the progress of people residing in a giving location. The
prince of Persia does not refer to a physical being, rather a spiritual
Wherever you find yourself, make known your presence in the spiritual
realm. Let the evil prevailing spirit in that locality feel your presence. If
you don’t take your stand, you won’t be allowed to stand.
Engage the blood:
Revelation 12:11 ,…we overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.
The blood of Jesus is a terrifying weapon against the devil. He can’t
withstand the presence of the blood. He does not want to hear that
phrase; “the blood of Jesus!”
Few years ago, my wife was due to deliver our first child, and was in the
hospital bed. There were some complications and I knew we needed
God’s intervention for both mother and child to pull through. She
recounted one of her experiences at the hospital after God’s deliverance.
She said; one night in the hospital, felt a presence as if in a dream;
the personality came to her trying to strangle her, telling her she would
die with the child.strength to mention the blood of Jesus, and that was it. She was free!
Are you sick in your body, and need healing? Speak the word and deliver
yourself from that spirit of infirmity. The word of God will restore your
Psalm 107:20, He sent His word and His word healed and delivered them from their
Is your marriage having a hard time? Speak peace into the foundation of
your marriage and see the Prince of peace revealed.
Do not be deceived; the devil (Satan) does not want you to smile or pros-
per; therefore he works all the time to see his plans fulfilled in people’s
life. Take time and ask the Lord concerning that condition which seems
not to change. The Holy Spirit will reveal details on the actions you ought to take.
Like I said before, you are a winner and that’s what you must remain… Jeremiah 20:11, But the Lord is with me as a mighty terrible one; therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten