Every man is created for a purpose, and the purpose of every man is to bring pleasure.
You are created with specific functions on earth; functions to bring solution to a decaying, and disturbed world. No man is made useless or without a potential, gift, or talent. I have seen people with great speaking skills, but can’t sing a note. We are all made uniquely for the purpose of making profit through the fragrances we offer to the world.
Your talent places you in the position of honour. It makes you a sought-after, and ultimately brings glory to God.
Just a great footballer would need skills, there are four skills you must acquire to master your destiny. Just follow me. I believe God has something to say to you.
The Use of Time:
Time is the currency for your destiny. Time is the universal gift of God to all men. Hour after hour, and day after day, a man’s life is done spent. Do things in their right time. Make each day count and you may have made a fulfilling season. The time you spent folding your arms rather than get up to something is a careless waste of destiny. Even if you do not have a job yet, don’t spend your life sleeping. You have 8,760 hours in a year. If you spend ten hours per day sleeping, you may have slept 3600 hours sleeping. That is 150 days of the year. Now if you spend another ten hours watching movies and chatting on the social media, you have another 150 days of the year. 300 days in a year on sleeping and surfing. You have just 65 days left. Think about it.