Rev.14,17,18. Isaiah 47, Nahum 3
She is also known as; the virgin daughter of Babylon, the mistress of witchcraft and Babylon the great.
This spirit seats upon many waters and mountains which connote; peoples, nations, empires, languages, and their kings and human rulers. Because she is in charge of the world's system of perception, reasoning and governance, she will at a stage produce the beast and the false prophets. This spirit is the personification of all forms of occultism, immorality and idolatry.
This spirit manifests as a female deity because, she is the revelation and manifestation of all forms of false churches and false brethren. Because she controls kingdoms and nations, she has in the past raised up human figures of worship which were direct representation of being. This include the worship of Mary in the Catholic church and in Islam. In this last days, she will raise up the Beast who will engulf the entire world in idolatry. All tyrannic rulers are her servants.
Just like the church is the bride of Christ, her activities are tailored towards false churches founded on deception, rooted in occultism, idolatry, witchcraft and pollution of the highest order which will eventually evolve into a bride known as the church of Satan. The essence of the institution of false churches is to swallow up the bride. This is the reason why she feeds solely on the blood of saints. She accomplishes this by the tools of deception, temptation, persecution, attacks, false accusation, pride, denials, misunderstanding, self centeredness and a host of others.
This great whore lives and operates from her realm known as; Babylon. Her exploits dates back to the tower of Babel where mankind practically worked towards living dependently totally detached from the One who created them.
This spirit is wealthy. She controls the world economy and businesses right after the fall of man. The various gods of mammon are her servants.
This spirit and her Babylonian kingdom in Rev 18 will be destroyed by fire. This fire speaks of the all consuming revelation of God and the consecration of the saints in living in that light. Heb 12:29. 2Thess 1:8-10. The ultimate power is the fire power. This is why the glory of God is often depicted as devouring fire. Ezekiel 1.
Written by: Prophet Chika Nwoye